South Africa is a land of water. The coastline stretches for 2798 km (1739 miles) and we are blessed with an abundance of inland waters. It is a country which makes use of lots of outboard engines.
I grew up on a wine farm, which is divided by the Breede River. Since the day I can remember, my grandfather and father’s shortest and quickest way to get to the other side of the river, was by means of a boat. The engine was,of course – a Seagull, that’s all that was available – the only engine that I thought existed.. Because no oars were needed , it was quite an attraction to see a boat propelled by an engine in those days.
The start-up process is still freshly embedded in my mind – two-stroke smoke fumes hanging on the water , the smell of water mixed with oil – something I will never want to let go of.
And then …a while ago … my uncle gave me a Silver Century Plus Seagull. The Serial number is WSPS I 68 JI and the engine was in a terrible state – suddenly I was totally engulfed in these childhood memories. The sounds and the smells of Seagull enveloped my being once again after all these years.
It became my mission to renovate the engine to its original state , to hear the noise again and smell that wonderful 1:10 two-stroke smoke fumes.
I googled “Seagull Outboard” and discovered a lot of interesting facts regarding Seagull Outboards , the models , the years of manufacturing the engines , parts etc.
The engine block of the Silver Century Plus was cracked and there was no way that anyone could fix it. I e-mailed for a new block and to my shock got a price for a new block of 155 Pounds !!!! That’s R 2700.00 , without freight cost and import duties !!!
I then started to look for another Silver Century Plus in SA and during my search came upon numerous other Seagull Outboards. Many of my week-ends were spent driving to Malagas, Infanta, Witsand and a lot of other places, enquiring and sourcing Seagulls and in this way I have gathered about 30 Seagulls !!!!
Most of the people I talked to didn’t even know what a Seagull is, others informed me that they sold theirs years ago for scrap metal !!!
In any case , Seagulls are getting scarser by the day and if you have one , renovate it or just keep it or sell it to me.In a couple of years it will become an expensive collectors item.
During my search for spare parts , it became evident that nowhere in South Africa spares are available. I imported a couple of spares from the UK, but soon realised that I will be bankrupt if I continued doing this. With the poor Rand/Pound exchange rate, it is just not worth it.
Most of the time the postage is more than what the parts are worth. You order 3 pieces and only 2 arrive. At the post-office you have to pay import duties – I still can’t figure out how they do their calculations. On E-Bay the sellers state that they will post everywhere, except to South Africa !!
South Africa can manufacture basically everything. I now have a near complete list of spare parts and guarantee that my Seagull parts are the cheapest in the world.
Go out , dust off your old Seagull or find one on Gumtree or somewhere else. Take everything apart, clean, get new parts and save a Seagull for another 50 years.
I also have second-hand parts – not everything – but maybe I can help you.


Thumb Throttle Spring R45.00
Give your thumb throttle a new life.

Brass Fuel Washer R5 Each
Unleakable material.

Double Coil Tiller Arm Spring R65
Get rif of the frustration of a loose tillerarm.

Rollpin For Collar R10
Manufactured from Stainless Steel.

BSF Stainless Steel Full Nuts R10
1/4″ and 5/16″

Stainless Steel Spring Washers R7
1/4″ and 5/16″ Use the correct size for the specific.

Stainless Steel Washers R5
1/4″ and 5/16″

BSF Thread Cap Screw Heads R35
1/4″ and 5/16″ in all lengths used on Seagulls.

Villiers Carb gasket Set R120
Give your carb a new life || Full Set.

Prop split Pin + Washer R20
Always carry an extra set on your boat.

Piston Ring Set R300
64cc and 102cc

Thrust Block Tie Bar R70
Stainless Steel Metric with two split washers.

BSF Thread Stainless Steel Studs
1/4″ stud R65.00 5/16″ Short Stud R65.00

AMAL and VILLIERS Throttle Springs

Throttle Cables

Gaskets R30 each
All Gaskets made from durable gasket material.

Gasket/Joint Plate R50 each
Rotor Housing to Gearbox.

Water Pump Rotor R200.00
There are 2 sizes available.

Spark Plug R100 each
Gapped to Specs. suitable for all Seagulls.

Copper Head Gaskets R120 each
64cc and 102cc

Fuel Tank Pads R20 per set

Gearbox Oil Plug R50 each

HT Lead Seagull R300

Cork for Petrol Plunger EVART's TAPS
Thread tape or O-rings don’t work. For 100%.

Support Lug Cap R100

Complete Original Fuel Filter Cap R390

Prop Spring R50 each
Fits all Seagulls. Advisable to keep a spare on the boat.

Spark Plug Cap R50 each
Fits all Seagulls. Waterproof and Durable.
After spending a lot of hours and giving attention to the smallest of detail on an old Seagull Outboard Motor, it is difficult for me to sell an engine.
The Seagulls are not my income, it is my hobby and that is why I only spend time on them during my off-hours. I am actually a wine maker.
People who bought Seagulls from me don’t necessarily use them, although I prefer that they use them.
Customers bought Seagulls mainly from the following reasons :
1. My Seagulls are eye-catching, chromed and shiny !
2. It is definitely a nostalgic thing for a man of the waters.
3. My Seagulls are perfectly restored and you can call it brand new.
4. Because it so eye catching, people show them off in their seaside houses, in their pubs or in boat clubs.
5. Because they don’t manufacture them anymore, it is a collector’s item and will only become scarcer and more expensive.
6. A Seagull of 50 years old is still trusty and costs less than a new outboard of the same size.
If you want one, send me an e-mail and I will get back to you with photo’s as well as price.
Seagull Parts
Western Cape
South Africa
Cel: 082 805 6108
Fax: 023 615 3417
Email: sales@seagullparts.co.za